Monday 1 August 2011

Brief Note - Assurance.....

This is just a quick notice for anyone who has recently visited this blog and, noting the ongoing re-posts from our website, now believes that this is all the blog will be amounting to from now on. On the contrary, this current movement of data is down to a forthcoming website re-think and will - from this point onward - be a miniscule and sporadic concern re. the continuation of this blog. Instead of hosting a couple of years worth of website updates on the main page itself, there will only be a single 'current events / latest news' page and the preceding post will be moved to this blog (on average, only three or perhaps four times a year).

As before, the blog will continue to be a back-up / complimentary concern to our main website, bringing you all the guff, bluff and bluster of a W.M. ghostie fashion that it used to carry previously........

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