Friday 15 May 2015

Friday May 15th 2015

Writer, Polly Jones, recently made a post on the W.M.G.C. Facebook page, concerning some intriguing video footage that she'd taken:

" I wrote an article about the legend of St Kenelm's well in Romsley, near Clent, and filmed a little video to show the site. After uploading it, I got a chill when watching it back. At 1.21, what appears to be the face of a young man shows up in the water.  (Youtube Link HERE)

I'm sure it's just a trick of the light, but considering the relevance of the association to the well, I found it very interesting!

Logical head on, this well is not on the spot of the original well. The water table changing has caused it to move downhill over the years. But... if this is a spirit, would it be possible that it appear in the well, even with the location changing?

Would love to know if you've seen faces in water. I see a lot of shadows and orbs, but this is the first of this sort of occurrence that I've filmed or photographed".

Personally speaking, I'm a big believer in the idea of 'spirit of place' - from a variety of different angles - and, while Pollys video anomaly may well be exactly what she suggests, it's this sort of discovery that adds mystery to these beautiful sites and helps to maintain their air of mystery and allure......

I know a lot of us here are interested in folklore and antiquarian matters, as well as straightforward 'ghost stories'..... and I think there's certainly something of interest for most of us in Pollys brilliant work!!

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